Laser Treatment

Laser Treatment
Improve the appearance of the skin
Laser treatment is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair, treat skin conditions, and improve the appearance of the skin. Lasers work by emitting light that is absorbed by the targeted tissue. The absorbed light energy is converted into heat, which damages the targeted tissue, making it easy for its removal by the body’s defence mechanisms. The type of laser, wavelength, and energy that is used will depend on the specific treatment that is being performed.
Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated light energy to destroy hair follicles. This results in permanent hair reduction in the treated area.
We use FDA-approved QUANTA LONG PULSED ND YAG LASER. This laser penetrates deeply, hence suitable for darker skin types with minimal damage to the superficial skin.
General guide:
- No of sessions: 4-6 for hair reduction every month.
- Maintenance sessions every 6 months to a year
- Charges depend on the area involved
- Upper Lip: Rs1250 Each plus GST
- Lower Lip: Rs1250
- Lower Face : Rs 3500 plus GST
- Upper Arms Each Side Rs 5000 plus GST
- Lower Limbs Rs 7500 plus GST
For packages contact us now

Tatoo Removal
Laser tattoo removal is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted tattoos. It works by using a laser to break up the ink particles in the tattoo. The ink particles are then absorbed by the body’s lymphatic system and removed through the body’s natural waste.
General guide:
- No of sessions 4-10
- Sessions are done at 1-2 month intervals
- Cost will depend on size, Colour and depth
- Treatments start from Rs 1000 plus GST per session and upwards.
Contact us for further information

Pigmentation in skin can be treated with Oral and topical medications. However, some pigments may be stubborn requiring laser, peeling for removal
General guide:
- Sessions Required: 6-10
- Sessions are done at 1-2 monthly interval
- Cost starts from Rs 2000 plus GST
- Charges may vary depending on the size, Type of pigmentation.
Skin Tightening
As we age skin starts losing its elasticity leading to sagging of skin. We use long pulsed and yag laser to address these concerns. When started from middle age, it will help to retain youthful appearance of skin
General guide:
- No of sessions:- 3-5
- Maintenance session:- Once in a year to 3 years
- Starts from Rs 3000 plus GST

Scar revision
Scars are not life long we can help you achieve the reduction and betterment of scars. We use multiple modalities for scar revision. We use long-pulsed and yag laser, microneedling, chemical peels .hair transplant to achieve best results.
General guide:
- No of sessions 4-10
- Sessions start from Rs 1000 plus GST and upwards
- Sessions are repeated at 2 weekly to 2-month interval based on modality
- Cost varies depending on the modality used, type, size, location of scar. Consult in person for further information.